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Seal Skin Headboard

From $1,900.00

Out of stock
Seal Skin products are prohibited for export to the USA, European Union & Mexico

Premium Canadian Seal Skins
Grade A Winter Quality #1 Hides
Master Furrier on Premise
Domestic Shipments Export Permit Required
(Currently 30-45 days)
Contact us directly for details on all International Orders

Headboard Size



FurCanada is proud to offer the finest in seal skins Canadian Sealers harvest. Our soft to touch seal skin headboard is designed, meticulously hand crafted, and sewn by our Master Furriers located at our British Columbia facility. We hand pick each fur skin used for preparation and send to Canadian fur tannery which meets international environmental standards for production and processing. The skins are tanned and processed in Newfoundland. Upon returning from the tannery, we grade, size, colour match, block, cut and sew each piece together to produce a world class fur head board ranging in size from twin to king. Our current stock of seal skins come from Canada’s East Coast. The skins are the finest quality of harp seals that Canada produces in a humane animal husbandry environment. We will soon be adding West Coast Harbour Seal to our line up. FurCanada has partnered with West Coast Aboriginal First Nations food source sustenance hunt to bring you these skins, please check back for updates.

Registered Trademark and is fully protected under International laws regarding copyright and intellectual property rights.  No production or re-production of designs, patterns, photos   will be allowed without the written consent from FurCanada. Fur products proudly displaying this label are assured that this item is manufactured in Canada by the companies’ Master Furriers in accordance with Canadian Labour Standards, Canadian Environmental Processing and Tanning Standards, and Canadian law governing the use of fur in its products.

Trace-ability – FurCanada is fully committed to the trace-ability of all furs used in the production of our products.   Trace-ability means source  of fur origin is proven to come from producers that meet Domestic, Federal, Provincial and International Standards for Animal Husbandry or Trapping or Harvesting to the consumer and every step along the way.   Each time the skin moves from one location to another there is a Government issued Wildlife  Export Permit to accompany it for proof of legal harvest and possession.

Additional information

Headboard Size

King, Queen, Twin

Harp Seal Skin Colour

Anthracite, Black, Cocoa, Creol, Dark Brown, Graphite, Natural, Polar, Pony, Purple